






Here is my promotion oriented, third-person introduction!

Rob Martino performs original music and arrangements on the Chapman Stick, a unique stringed instrument that combines elements of guitar, bass, piano and percussion. The strings are tapped and held onto the frets, rather than plucked or strummed, enabling both hands to play complete and expressive multi-part arrangements.

Since focusing exclusively on the instrument in 2004, Rob has become one of the most prominent solo Stick artists. In addition to making a strong impression at live performances such as TEDxOrlando 2010, Rob’s music has a popular online presence. With almost 2 million views and thousands of subscribers worldwide on YouTube, he is one of the most watched solo Stick artists on the internet. He has been featured on the NPR radio program Echoes, as well as the progressive rock documentary Romantic Warriors.

Rob has particularly drawn from progressive and art rock artists such as Jethro Tull, Rush, and Marillion to develop his musical approach. Within the progressive rock community, he has performed at such notable venues and festivals as ProgDay, NJ Proghouse, 3RP, and Orion Sound Studios.

An aspect of Rob's unique style is the particular string tuning he uses, based on mirrored 4ths. His compelling musical demonstrations of this string arrangement contributed to it's inclusion as a standard Stick tuning by Stick Enterprises.

Rob is currently living in Edinburgh, Scotland after 11 years in Fredericksburg, Virginia (originally from the Boston area), and has had a lifelong interest in music and computers - he is a software engineer in the music technology industry, and also holds a master's degree in music from Northwestern University.

Photo by Brandon Wu